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Social media technology has been weaponized against our kids
The global health crisis is escalating
Teen mental health at an all time low
Challenges are coming at parents & kids from every single angle, on every single front
All the challenges & failures of the traditional schooling environment are compounding
See, the world is just so different from when you were a kid
And all the challenges kids are facing now are so new, unknown & scary
And at the heart of it all, you just want your kids to be happy.
This is us, in 2018 on a rare family holiday…
We were running a successful & rapidly growing nation chain of health clinics,
We had the stacked calendar with our 3 kids, with not an empty afternoon
We were running around from sporting event, to social gatherings, to school and back
Doing more, more and more
Thinking that was the answer
Meanwhile, our kids were having challenges we didn’t know how to solve
Our son was getting in trouble at school and we were beginning to watch his light & spark begin to dim.
We were being told he wasn’t smart enough, good enough, that he was a bad kid.
We could see the frustration in him
We knew how great he was
See, we thought we had done everything right, but something wasn’t adding up.
We knew this wasn’t the path.
There had to be a better way.
We wanted to see our children thrive and be the best they could be
But the common approach was clearly broken…
So we began to explore alternatives.
We began to ask the question…
See, we had spent 100s of thousands of dollars on personal, business and spiritual development over the previous 2 decades while building our businesses.
And even though we had 3 tertiary degrees and Anthony had a title of doctor to his name, the most valuable lessons that had made a significant transformation in the quality of our lives and relationships had actually come from other courses & programs we had invested in.
We thought, "What if we condensed the very best of what we had learned from these courses into a format that was suitable for children?"
So that way, they would know at 14 years of age, what took us 40 years to learn.
And so we went on this great journey of learning & growing as a family
And quickly the light in our son's eyes returned.
We saw him inspired and excited for his life.
His confidence came back and he began to recognise his own genius & brilliance.
We then put our other 2 children through the same process and got incredible results once again.
And so this was the beginning of a whole new life for our family.
We ditched the busy calendar and the common approach
And created our own path and our own system that allowed our family to truly flourish
For our kids to do what they love and be led by their own genius and curiosity for life
We watched them excel in the areas of their interests
And they began to see a vision for their life that got them excited to learn and grow
We watched our kids flourish & thrive like never before
We were blown away by the results and wondered,
"Why isn’t everyone doing this?"
"This is so much much better than the common path."
We thought to ourselves, "what if we made this available to other families who were going through the same thing we went through?"
And so, we put our ideas into an online program & global community and over the last few years have supported 100s of conscious parents to have the same transformation with their families.
And now after years of iteration, hundreds of families' success stories, thousands of hours of actively learning and testing- we are honored to announce that we have put the very best of these ideas & very actionable information together for you, in our latest book.
How to help your kid find their happy place, in the age of distraction
The book covers the 6 key pillars to create an empowered family & inspired kids and how to carve your own unique path according to what matters most to you.
Alex Matthews
Mum of 5
"A great read for any parent looking for wise and practical advice on how to better connect with their kids.
In a time when the family unit is under threat from the many distractions and temptations that pull us away from being together, this book will have you feeling hopeful that your future as a family can look bright, and that there’s hope in creating the healthiest of relationships between yourself and your children."
Sophie Palmer
Former primary school teacher, now homeschooler
"A must read for all parents.
This book really highlights the most important areas in our lives with our kids and how to foster deep and meaningful relationships with them.
It gives practical steps that you can implement right now to help create a more connected family unit.
The biggest thing I took away from this book is, less is more. It has opened my mind to approach how we live our daily lives, how we schedule our lives, in a completely different way and I'm excited for what these changes will mean for our family."
Jen Morgan
"This book is a transformative journey that brings hope and practical strategies to families. As I delved into the pages, I initially felt a gap between my life and where I wanted to be, but the book's empowering message soon filled me with positivity and the belief that I can adapt these strategies to my unique circumstances.
From thought-provoking quotes to heartfelt letters, the book encourages introspection and provides actionable steps towards conscious parenting and personal growth.
It's a treasure trove of wisdom on topics like communication, values alignment, health, and technology, making it a must-read for any parent or caregiver seeking to create a nurturing environment for their children."
This book is a delightful read that captivated my attention from start to finish. As someone who usually struggles with non-fiction, I found this book incredibly engaging, thanks to the personal stories and case studies that made it relatable and warm.
Unlike other child and family psychology books I've read, this one felt fresh and packed with valuable information, showcasing the authors' deep understanding of personal development.
Overall, it's is a valuable resource for families seeking to create a meaningful and connected life, and I will definitely recommend it to fellow parents and soon-to-be parents alike."
Michelle Sun
"What a great eye opener! It's is a must have book for any parent. There is so much positive information and useful, easy to follow, everyday strategies that will change your perspective of parenting for the better.
This book highlighted to me some of the things I learned as a child that shaped my own parenting styles, but some of which may not actually be in the best interests of my children.
I’ve also become more conscious to not push my own agenda on my kids, but rather help them cultivate their own unique strengths and passions. I find I am more present when my children need it and as a consequence they become more content and confident within themselves."
Page 24: How To Release The "Pressure Cooker"
Page 34: How To Find Your Families Purpose
Page 44: The 2 Biggest Distractions That Are Killing Conscious Kids
Page 45: Secret Hacks To Tame Technology In Your Home
Page 79: Ancient Formula That Allows Your Child To Dream Again
Page 133: Recreating A Conscious Calendar
Page 140: The Critical Components To Connect With Your Kids
Page 156: Creating Boundaries And Family Agreements
Page 170: The Family Happiness & Fulfilment Menu
and give you the key action steps to implement straight away.
‘Without a vision, people perish’ - Proverbs
The foundation of our process is a system for creating a crystal clear vision for your family, both individually and collectively.
Honoring Innate Intelligence
In life we have 4 values determinants - time, energy, focus and money. As a society the one that we mess up the most (starting at childhood), yet the one that affords us the capacity to live a fulfilling life, is our energy. If we don’t have the wellbeing of mind-body-spirit to fulfill our dreams and desires then everything else is futile.
Rich Relationships
The skill of values based communication, critical thinking and asking quality questions is fundamental to raising resilient, resourceful children who know how to communicate and ask for help. This is a skill that many of us as parents haven’t yet mastered ourselves.
Prosperity Pathway
When we talk to parents about the way they were raised and how that has unconsciously affected the beliefs they have about money, it becomes crystal clear why the vast majority of adults have a poor relationship to money.
Superconscious Screen Time / Transformational Technology
Technology today can be our best friend or worst enemy depending on how we help set up the relationship our children have with it and it's a challenge many families are facing on a daily basis.
Creating Your Conscious Flow Calendar
Once children are oriented towards a crystal clear vision aligned with their values and what your family stands for, both individually and as a collective, it is time to have your calendar reflect exactly that.
By the end of the book, you will be fully equipped to consciously create the family life you & your kids deserve.
From therapy, to pharmaceutical drugs, to filling the calendar with as many extracurricular activities as physically possible. Perhaps you have caved to the opinions of others, like well meaning in-laws or teachers. Or even compared your family to the seemingly ‘perfect’ one down the street, frustrated as to why yours can’t get it together!
You may have felt like it's a lost cause.
You might be hoping it will just sort itself out over time, or the kids will grow out of what's currently not working eventually…
We are here to tell you, THIS is what you have been searching for…
Well, if you don't make the time now, it will be made for you on the backend from the problems that will inevitably arise, if they haven’t already. The principles and practicals in this book will save you more time, money & energy than you can imagine.
"I don’t have the time"
Is this worth $4.99?
What’s the price of inaction, of staying the same? This will pay for itself within 3 hours of buying the book. The action steps in chapter 5 alone will be worth it.
Who are these people to give me parenting advice?
We aren’t special, we are just like you. But we have spent the time asking the questions and seeking out better answers. We aren’t here to tell you what to do or how to raise your kids, we are here to help you discover & create the best system and pathway for your family.
Whether you are growing a family, have little ones around your ankles, are home schooling, have kids in school, or kids taller than you. Let us help you take the stress out of parenting and allow you to be present and enjoy the journey.
Regardless of your child's age, our goal is to help you raise confident, resilient, passionate, honest, grateful, creative, imaginative, wholesome kids who feel loved, nurtured and honoured for their unique gifts and talents. This book works for kids aged 0-21.
Give yourself more credit ... You don't need a degree to care for, and take an interest in your child. We will show you the skills and processes that will make the biggest impact for your child with the least effort. Think about the overwhelm and frustration that you have been feeling with your uncertainty of how your children are currently being supported. Or how you felt when you first held your little one in your arms. You can do this and you won't be alone in this journey!
Yes! And we encourage it! We understand the value of working together as a team when it comes to planning how to live life and raise your family.
Not at all! Whilst many of our families are embarking on the homeschooling or unschooling journey, the nature of the lessons in this book work for any family, regardless of schooling choices, ages, personalities and learning styles.
Think of it like a personal, professional, spiritual and business development journey for your entire family. And the best thing is you can revisit the principles taught in it regularly as your children's needs shift and change.
Not at all! We have many independent parents who read this book, who find value on an entire new level as they learn how to communicate their values with the other care-takers of their children. We will help you deliberately build a village around you to help you raise an empowered family. Families come in all shapes and sizes, but one thing doesn't change, and that is the need for our kids to feel loved, seen and heard. This book will empower you to create that inside your family.
The truth is, if you don’t make time for creating a strong, empowered family- time will eventually be made for you through events, challenges and tragedies. There is no time like the present to take action.
If you read the book and don’t love it. Send us an email to and we will process your refund within 48 hours, no questions asked.
Dr Anthony Gollé and Kate Gollé met as high school sweethearts and have been married for 23 years. Anthony is a sought after speaker with experience as an awarded soldier in the Australian Army, representing Australia at the Hawaiian Ironman Triathlon and holding 3 degrees in Exercise Physiology, Clinical and Chiropractic Science.
Kate is the author of "Raising Healthy Families in Unhealthy Times" and is a renowned family wellness coach. Together they have owned and operated 7 family wellness centres, produced the top ten most influential health documentary, "Overfed and Undernourished" and coached thousands of families to live life on their terms through sharing their unique approach to business, health and a values led lifestyle. Their greatest joy is their children Zavier, Bodhi and Zara and the lessons they have learned from them growing together.
They live on a self sustainable eco farm in the Byron Hinterland amidst their food forest, favorite animals and enjoying the magnificent beaches nearby where they continue to inspire an entire movement of people with their family and leadership retreats.
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